twisted broad update
For those of you who followed my blog for years...
You are all my heroes.
It was you who gave me the courage to speak my mind. And do whatever the fuck I want.
People love to make fun of those who write blogs.
And they can kiss my ass.
That led to all this.
Please check out the rest of my site.
I told you all I was gearing up to do something else,
I just needed to find my voice first.
With your help, I did.
I thank each and every one of you for being there for a divorced single mom trying to make sense
of the next steps.
I love you all more than you know.
My book is still available on Amazon and ITunes.
With love,
twisted broad
IFSO Films
I figure shit out.
Including how to build a website.
Which I did entirely on my own.
With no clue how to do it.
stand up update